Ways to participate at GLF Amazonia
Run an exhibition at GLF Amazonia 2021
Book a virtual space where you can share knowledge, build networks and form new connections. In the GLF Amazonia digital exhibition space, you can show presentations, host interactive discussions and share your organization’s or initiative’s results and experiences with an audience dedicated to protecting and preserving the Amazon Biome.
Price: EUR 750 (high income) or EUR 0 (solidarity booth) per digital exhibition booth.
We offer free solidarity booths for local NGOs with limited funds to ensure inclusiveness. Please only apply for this option if your organization is not able to pay the fee.
As a host, you will benefit from a wide range of services:
- Facilitation support from the Global Landscapes Forum Coordination Team
- One digital exhibition space at the conference with access to the full GLF Amazonia event
- Logo representation on the GLF Amazonia event webpage and the conference platform
- 5 complimentary registration passes per exhibition
- Opportunity to collect contact leads and engage with thousands of conference participants
- Opportunity to create and host meetings within your digital booth
- Opportunity to share videos, documents, infographics, etc.
The GLF Amazonia 2021 Digital Conference will take place on 21-23 September 2021.
Deadline: 15 September 2021
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
When you volunteer with the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), you’ll work with other inspiring young leaders to promote a message that’s essential for our time – and for the next generation. We’ll be counting on you and your skills to make sure it all shakes out in the best way possible. All volunteers will receive a certificate.
Volunteer Roles
- Rapporteur: help the GLF knowledge team to record important takeaways from each session
- Quotes catcher: help the communications team catch the most inspiring quotes during each session you join
- Translator: support the GLF Team with translations from and to English, Portuguese and Spanish
- Chat and Q&A moderator: sharpen your facilitation skills by moderating online discussions or chats (for English, Spanish, or Portuguese speakers)
- Moment catcher: take screenshots, and capture the best moments during each session you join
- Master of Ceremony or Live Interviewer: please note, to apply for this role you will need to submit a 30 seconds video explaining why you would like to be the Master of Ceremony or an interviewer.
Volunteers’ applications are now closed. Click here to register to GLF Amazonia.
The GLF Amazonia digital conference will take place on 21-23 September 2021.
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Host a Session
Why host a session at GLF Amazonia?
- Promote your organization, brand and message among millions of stakeholders in 185 countries in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
- Engage with GLF’s youth network of more than 60,000 young professionals from 156 countries
- Connect with key players across the Amazon and the globe in the restoration and climate change agenda
- Inform recommendations for the strategic design and implementation of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and relevant policy frameworks on the Amazon
How do I host a session?
Use this form to apply for a 90-minute digital session for EUR 7,500 per session. The GLF Knowledge Team will be in touch to share further details and answer any questions you have. If you can’t host a session at this time, there are many ways to participate. You can find more information about ways to shape the conference here.
You and your organization receive the full support of the Global Landscapes Forum knowledge, learning, communications, digital, event and youth teams, as well as GLF’s partnerships to create and deliver a session, including:
- Continuous support to develop, plan and deliver the session, including guidance on your team roles, script, and format ideas. The GLF team will help you optimize participatory engagements from upwards of 900 “in-room” participants.
- Help in engaging your target audience through pre-event online activities and interactive components within sessions. The GLF team provides a dedicated session page, session webcard design, marketing toolkits, free tickets, logo placement, support in producing a white paper (optional) and much more.
- Full technical support including pre-conference run throughs, post-conference analytics, platform integration, Zoom background advice from a TV producer, and more.
The GLF Amazonia digital conference will take place on 21-23 September 2021.
Price: 7,500 Euros per session*
Deadline: 5 August 2021
*To sign up for two slots, please fill out the form twice. Your session fee includes an automatic contribution of solidarity tickets which are given to participants who could otherwise not afford to attend GLF Amazonia.
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Suggest a speaker
Do you know of someone who belongs on the Global Landscapes Forum digital stage? Do you belong there yourself? We want to hear from you! Please use our speaker suggestion form and suggest speakers for the GLF Amazonia Digital Conference on 21-23 September.
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Media training
Apply now for the ‘Tipping Point Journalism Fellowship’ with the Global Landscapes Forum and ClimateTracker.org. Be a part of the amazing team of young journalists from across Amazon to receive training and gain full access to attend and cover the Global Landscapes Forum 2021.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, then now is your time to submit a pitch of 150-200 words for a story focusing on the Amazon and ecosystem restoration in your country.
Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Make a postcard
The Amazon Biomes is one of the most culturally and biologically diverse regions on Earth. Join us for a visual journey across these remarkable landscapes and share your landscape with us!
How to make a postcard:
- Choose your landscape.
- Upload a photo of your choice. A photo of your home landscape, or a photo of a landscape you love. *Photo must be in landscape mode.
- Add the location.
- Name the landscape or place where this photo was taken.
- Send it to the world.
- Download the postcard and post it on your favorite social media channel. You can use the template below. Remember to use the #GLFAmazon so that we can find you and share!
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Host a launchpad
The GLF is calling for applications to host a digital launchpad at the GLF Amazonia Digital Conference: The Tipping Point.
What is a launchpad?
It’s our version of a press conference. GLF Amazonia 2021 could be your report or campaign’s jumping off point. Reach a global audience of over 50 million on social and global media by launching your initiative, book or report, new technology, alliance or pledge to the world and to the media, following in the footsteps of the International Partnership for Blue Carbon, AFR100, the 20×20 Initiative, the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS), South Pole, the GEF-7 Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program, the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform and more.
Showcasing your work with the GLF includes access to a wide range of services:
- Social media and global media support from GLF
- A 45-minute digital press conference (launchpad) in the agenda with promotion support from the GLF communications team in all languages
- Technical support for live streaming along with simultaneous translation (English, Spanish, Portuguese) and (optional) translation editing and recording available for EUR 500
- Digital logo placement on event communication and website materials
- Social and traditional media, communications and outreach support
- Complimentary passes to the conference
The GLF Amazonia 2021 Digital Conference will take place on 21-23 September 2021. What will you launch to the world?
Price: 5,000 Euros per launchpad
Launchpad length: 45 minutes
Deadline: 5 Aug 2021
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Journalism Seminar
GLF Amazonia: The Tipping Point – Solutions from the Inside Out
Journalism Seminar
15 September: 10-11:40 a.m. and 6-7:15 p.m. (UTC -4)
16 September: 6-7:15 p.m. (UTC -4)
Join journalists and editors from across the Amazon Biome and the globe who report the region’s most critical stories. Gain access to leaders, experts, and hard-to-reach voices from local communities and attend and cover the GLF Amazonia Digital Conference.
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Youth Program
The GLF is teaming up with the Youth in Landscapes Initiative and regional partners to shape a unique experience for students and young professionals prior and during GLF Amazonia. If you are between 18 and 35 check out all the different opportunities: submit your video and win 500 EURO or participate in e-regional dialogues on forest fires, nature-based solutions, women and climate action! Learn more here – watch out: deadlines are approaching!
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
GLF Amazonia: A snapshot of the Earth’s mightiest jungle
We want you to send us your best photographs of the Amazon region – from its brilliant biodiversity to its bustling metropolises, from its Indigenous defenders to the logging, ranching and mining interests that are tearing it down.
Entries will be accepted until 29 August. Finalists will be announced on 21 – 23 September, with the winners announced on 24 September.
Deadline: 29 August 2021
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Sponsor the Conference
GLF Amazonia is going to be the largest, most inclusive, digital conference on the Amazon Biome to date. Your sponsorship will support us in making the conference even more inclusive and accessible, and support its post conference impact. Sponsorships allow us to run special youth programs, organize watch parties (in accordance with COVID-19 safety protocols) in areas with little internet access, offer additional solidarity booths and sessions to voices (many of which are from Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants) that should be heard but do not have the means to cover the associated fees. Post-conference, your funding supports us in maintaining the material online and creating a community-led conservation alliance in the Amazon region. Funds raised through sponsorship allow us to go the extra mile and make a difference!
Why become a sponsor of GLF Amazonia?
- Most importantly, because Amazonia and the people who live there matter and local communities, Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants are some of the best environmental stewards
- Highlight your thought leadership in sustainability and inspire others to follow suit
- Support and become part of an active global community of change-makers
- Foster brand association with a powerful and fast growing environmental movement – past sponsors had more than 1 million impressions on their logo during and after our conferences
How to become a sponsor?
Have a look at different ways you can partner with GLF Amazonia and support the region here. Please contact Nina Haase, N.Haase@cgiar.org to discuss customized packages for the event and beyond.
See for yourself!
Our last event, the GLF Africa Digital Conference reached over 32 million people on social media, and provided a crucial platform for 223 speakers – including 108 women and 35 youth – to share knowledge, shape policy and galvanize global support for Africa’s drylands ahead of the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
Ways to shape the agenda
In September, GLF will host its forth 100% digital conference. Shape the agenda with us, launch a report, contribute your content or volunteer your time and skills.
185 countries
36% between 18-24
41% between 25-34
Social Media
Media Reach
Brand awareness
Thought leadership
Lead generation
Event Benefits
- Promotion of your organization, brand and message among millions of stakeholders in 185 countries in two languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish)
- Connect with key players in the climate change agenda
- Learn about cutting-edge innovation and engagement with thought leaders and economic experts on key issues
- Speaking opportunities in a network of leading international organizations across sectors
- Engage in bilateral and multilateral dialogues on pressing topics
- Increase opportunities for achieving cross-sector partnerships
- Contribute to the paradigm shift required to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement