Samela Sateré-Mawé


Indigenous Sateré Mawé
Indigenous Sateré Mawé
Indigenous Sateré Mawé
Indigenous Sateré Mawé peoples
Indigenous Sateré Mawé peoples
Indigenous Sateré Mawé peoples

Samela is part of the Indigenous Sateré Mawé people, student of Biology at the State University of Amazonas, Brazil, environmental activist @fridaysforfuturebrasil, young communicator in the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) @apiboficial, member of ANMIGA- National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestry @anmigaorg and presenter at @canalreload besides being part of the Association of Indigenous Women Sateré Mawé (Amism) @amism_sateremawe and the Indigenous Students Movement of Amazonas (Meiam), and be consultant of indigenous agenda in the Amazonia Sustainable Foundation (FAS). @fasamazonia

Samela is part of the Indigenous Sateré Mawé people, student of Biology at the State University of Amazonas, Brazil, environmental activist @fridaysforfuturebrasil, young communicator in the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) @apiboficial, member of ANMIGA- National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestry @anmigaorg and presenter at @canalreload besides being part of the Association of Indigenous Women Sateré Mawé (Amism) @amism_sateremawe and the Indigenous Students Movement of Amazonas (Meiam), and be consultant of indigenous agenda in the Amazonia Sustainable Foundation (FAS). @fasamazonia

Samela is part of the Indigenous Sateré Mawé people, student of Biology at the State University of Amazonas, Brazil, environmental activist @fridaysforfuturebrasil, young communicator in the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) @apiboficial, member of ANMIGA- National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestry @anmigaorg and presenter at @canalreload besides being part of the Association of Indigenous Women Sateré Mawé (Amism) @amism_sateremawe and the Indigenous Students Movement of Amazonas (Meiam), and be consultant of indigenous agenda in the Amazonia Sustainable Foundation (FAS). @fasamazonia