Our discussion forum is specifically focused on case studies (Forest Landscape Restoration in Madagascar (Fandriana-Marolambo) and Uganda (Mityana-Bugiri). It will present and discuss how the upscaling of the project level activities can be supported by existing field experience and governmental cross-cutting implementation of sustainable landscape approaches, how governance framework supports the restoration of the landscape, and what the role of a project facility fund could play. The launch of the NGP Uganda mini-Documentary will be used as a communications hook.
Draft Program  – 90 mins
Moderator:Â Representative from GLF Youth
Program / Script:
- Thematic introduction by the moderator 3 mins
- Keynote speaker 5-10 mins (tbd) – focus: AFR100 pathways on FLR upscaling
- Stefan Schmitz – Head of Directorate Food, Rural Developments, Natural Resources, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
- BMZ’s engagement in FLR in Africa so far and why FLR is a priority for development?
- How AFR100 can help to roll-out FLR at scale?
- What is the role of a FLR project facility fund?
- Case study Uganda 20 mins – focus: New Generation Plantations in Africa, Creating Shared Value at landscape scale (15 mins presentation, 5 minutes commentary)
- Norman Rigava – WWF Uganda, Coordinator Africa Rift Lakes Priority Place
- Patrick Mugenyi – New Forests Company Uganda, CEO (NGP Participant)
Objective: New Generations Plantations as a cutting edge innovative approach that includes private sector finance and provide a benefit for communities. To discuss the importance of a new generations of plantations for up-scaling forest landscape restoration in Africa.
Key questions:
- How can we use responsible plantation forestry as an engine for sustainable development at landscape scale?
- How can plantation companies partner with communities to create shared value, by reducing business risk and improving rural livelihoods?
- What innovative financing solutions can scale up sustainable plantation forestry in Africa?
- Case Study Madagascar 20 mins – Sharing important lessons learnt from 13 Years of Restoration in a Moist Tropical Forest: The Fandriana-Marolambo Landscape in Madagascar
Objective: Present and discuss success factors for a self-sustaining restoration program based on 13 years restoration experience in Madagascar.
- Simon Rafanomezantsoa, Senior Officer, Terrestrial Biodiversity, WWF Madagascar Country Office – 10 minutes presentation
- Government Representative MD (tbd)
Key issues:
- Role of (community based) governance structures for restoration as an enabling condition?
- Importance of both social and ecological dimension to FLR
- Key factors and enablers: scale, time and partnerships
- Trillion Trees Programme (TTP) 20 mins – focus: governmental support and capacity building to lever FLR at scale – how does it works by TTP
- Tim Rayden, TTP
- Q&A with Audience – 17 mins
- Wrap up 5 mins – Summary and reflexions on FLR case studies and FLR accelerators
- Jackson Kiplagat from WWF Kenya
- Role of WWF in FLR per new Strategy from local to global and vice versa
- AFR100 in Africa as an initiative to enable FLR at the discussed scale and quality – capacity building – processes, next steps and needs to speed up
- Challenge: funding of bankable projects for AFR 100 – Development of a Project Facility Fund
Presentation files: