• 12 May 2019
  • 14:00-16:30 UTC+09:00

Putting a halt on climate change, stories from forests and wetlands


In a world of more than seven billion people, it is no surprise that land use change has been a major issue threatening forests, wetlands and the biodiversity in it. It is inevitable as more people require more food, housing and jobs to survive.

But can we survive if there are no more forests, wetlands and every supporting function that allow us to produce food, derive clean water or breathe?

The Center for International Forestry Research and the Global Landscapes Forum are organizing the “Putting a halt on climate change, stories from forests and wetlands” media workshop on May 12, at the University of Kyoto, Japan.

Asia-Pacific is on the frontlines of the climate change battle. Particularly vulnerable to increasing temperatures and ecosystem degradation, the region also has some of the world’s greatest potential and knowledge for climate mitigation and adaptation, but stories exploring climate solutions are still lagging behind, while audiences miss out on critical information for taking action for sustainability.

The “Putting a halt on climate change, stories from forests and wetlands” workshop will focus on a variety of efforts to restore and protect ecosystems and livelihoods. CIFOR scientists will share their latest research and best practices in managing forests and wetlands and work with journalists to source and frame innovative environmental stories with an impact.

Participants will discuss challenges and opportunities on climate change science, utilizing researchers’ on the ground experience on the forefront of climate change, such as:

  • Why forests and wetlands? How do they protect us from climate change?
  • What are the latest research and efforts taken across the globe to halt climate change?
  • Who are the pioneers and what do they do to stop climate change?
  • How do these efforts influence people’s livelihood?

On May 13, journalists will have the opportunity to attend GLF Kyoto 2019, where stakeholders from across international development, finance, business, indigenous communities, NGOs, science and academia will provide key insights around climate solutions within landscapes.

Organized back to back with the IPCC 49th meeting and GLF Kyoto 2019, the CIFOR-GLF workshop gives journalists the chance to interview leading figures in science and environmental policy, from organizations ranging from the IPCC, Japan’s International Cooperation Agency and the UN to the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Green Climate Fund.

The Center for International Forestry Research and the Global Landscapes Forum invites qualified journalists based in Japan to apply for this workshop and join some of the world’s best scientists in Kyoto.

To apply for the GLF Kyoto Media Workshop, please send an e-mail with the subject line “Application-GLF Kyoto Media Workshop” at and include:

  • a one-page resume
  • 2 samples of work (pdfs or web links) that you consider relevant for the topic of the workshop
    your motivation to attend the workshop and how you plan to use further the knowledge gained there (max. 200 words)

Application deadline: 12 May 2019, 12:00 AM, GMT

The workshop will be held at the University of Kyoto, on May 12
CIFOR will cover the travel, accommodation and reimburse participants for their per diem after the event.
Journalists from print, web, radio and television are all encouraged to apply.To be eligible, applicants should:
Be working journalists, staff or freelance, based in Japan, from or representing an established media outlet
Have a record of reporting on scientific and/or environmental topics
Be able to understand and communicate in English, as sessions will be conducted in English.
Be available to be in Kyoto on 12-13 May.