• Wednesday, 19 June 2019
  • 14:15-18:15 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn

WORKSHOP: Indigenous Languages, Knowledge and Rights in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation, (forest) landscape restoration and sustainable development


Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn

INFOE – Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology – in cooperation with the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) are hosting a Workshop between the first session of the Facilitative Working Group of the LCIP and the global GLF event in Bonn 2019 on rights in the landscape. This is a participatory workshop, focusing on Indigenous language, knowledge and rights in the context of climate change and landscape restoration.

Indigenous languages are disappearing at alarming rates. It is estimated that 40 per cent of the world’s estimated 6,700 languages are in danger of disappearing— the majority belonging to indigenous peoples. The ongoing loss of indigenous languages is particularly devastating, as the complex knowledges and cultures they foster are increasingly being recognized as strategic resources for good governance, peacebuilding, reconciliation, and sustainable development. More importantly, such losses have huge negative impacts indigenous peoples’ most basic human rights.1 In this context, indigenous languages, knowledge and related (land) rights are fundamental for sustainable development and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDGs 4, 13 and 15.

The issues of the workshop are closely related to the current negotiations within the UNFCCC process, defining the work and tasks of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP). It is also picking up on the main theme of this year’s session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Traditional Knowledge. Most importantly, it takes place in the International Year of Indigenous Languages which is an important mechanism dedicated to raising awareness of a topic of global interest and mobilizing different players for coordinated action around the world and was proclaimed in 2016 by the United Nations General Assembly based on a recommendation by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

To register please send an email to, indicating in one sentence why you wish to participate.”

For more information, please find the flyer here.

Other Workshop by GLF x INFOE: