• Sunday, 23 June 2019
  • 12:45-14:00 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Salon Rheinaue

The SDG-tenure nexus in forest landscapes: applying a rights-based approach


Salon Rheinaue

The SDGs call for equal access and rights to land and other productive resources. For decades, efforts to establish, clarify and strengthen rights to land and resources have been central to endeavors towards improving rural livelihoods and advancing sustainable use of natural resources. However, progress has been slow and livelihood and resource impacts variable. In this context this event will discuss the following interlinked questions from different perspectives:

1) What is the evidence on the links between rights/tenure and sustainable landscapes?
2) Why has progress in clarifying and strengthening customary and local community rights been so slow?
3) What are the most promising approaches/options/tools to move forward?