• Sunday, 23 June 2019
  • 14:00-15:30 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Saal Maritim

Securing Rights, Securing Landscapes: Boosting the impacts


Saal Maritim

This session will involve an interactive panel discussion that will focus on how best to scale up recognition of land rights across the developing world. Other topics include early lessons from the Tenure Facility’s experience in designing and delivering projects to scale-up implementation; as well as actions to address operational, institutional and financial gaps and constraints.

Delegates to the event can discuss the significance of research showing that community-managed forests tend to experience lower rates of deforestation, store more carbon, hold more biodiversity, and benefit more people than forestlands managed by either public or private entities. The Tenure Facility has demonstrated the speed at which laws can be implemented when funding is provided directly to rights-holder organizations and their allies. In just over two years, the Tenure Facility has enabled communities to advance rights recognition over more than 6.5 million hectares of land.

In that context, the session will consider how aligning international commitments and priorities with emerging national demand and opportunities to scale up rights could dramatically shift the global pendulum towards a more sustainable, equitable and climate-resilient future for all.