• Saturday, 22 June 2019
  • 09:00-10:30 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Salon Rheinaue

WORKSHOP: Are We Gender-Blind?

Salon Rheinaue

Gender equality and women’s rights are enshrined in a number of global conventions and national legal frameworks. Yet to date, significant inequalities persist with respect to access and control over natural resources and benefits derived from them. Gendered inequalities and power relations have been shown to influence the vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities of women and men in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. However, recent evidence also suggests that gender-blind responses to these challenges may reinforce or even exacerbate inequalities. Adopting a rights-based approach to sustainable landscapes management and governance means placing gender equity at the core of environmental action, rather than viewing it as a ‘means to an end’ or an ‘unfortunate trade-off’. At the same time, experiences from across the world demonstrate that the sustainability of environmental action often critically relies on the contributions of the women and men who depend on the landscapes for their livelihoods. Unlocking such synergies requires going beyond purely technical aspects of environmental programming to mapping the various – and often intersecting – social, economic and political structures that influence power imbalances in different contexts, as well as identifying ways in which actions directed at enhancing landscape sustainability can contribute to addressing inequality and discrimination. This workshop invites participants to contribute their expertise and experiences in an effort to develop a shared vision of what some of the key components of a gender-responsive, rights-based approach to sustainable landscape management should be.

During GLF Bonn 2019 the GLF Knowledge team will be co-creating and facilitating 4 workshops in order to contribute to the rights-based approach to sustainable landscape management, and to begin a collaborative consultation process for the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Join us to think together in a participatory process that welcomes all experience and input.

To register please send an email GLF Knowledge Sharing Coordinator, Jessica Ball with one sentence stating why you wish to join this workshop. Please note workshops are limited to 30 spaces.