• 21 September 2021
  • 08:30-10:00
  • Room: Virtual Room 2 - EN

How can functional diversity foster conviviality?


Virtual Room 2 - EN

The PRODIGY project centers on the hypothesis that knowledge-based functional diversity management increases societal and ecosystem resilience. Through this lens, resilience is understood as the capacity to resist, recover and learn from external perturbations. During this session, the PRODIGY project team will explore this idea from the perspective of partners and stakeholders in southwestern Amazônia (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru). Their knowledge will be presented as an illustration of a cascade of tipping points, ranging from diversity in soils to the impact of ecosystem services on the economy, social cohesion in society, and regional climatic processes. Together, panelists will explore how transboundary communication between scientists, local actors and international actors can drive the Global Agenda forward.