• 21 September 2021
  • 16:00-17:30
  • Room: Virtual Room 2 - EN

Bamboo/Guadua Ecosystem Services and their relationship with the Amazonian livelihoods


Virtual Room 2 - EN

“Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are among the most biodiversity-rich regions in the world, particularly in species of bamboo native to the Americas. Communities in the region have known about bamboo’s unique socioecological benefits for more than 10,000 years, including its vital contribution to several ecosystem services of provisioning, regulation and recreation. This session, hosted by INBAR, will draw on the rich knowledge of local communities in the Amazon to discuss how bamboo can contribute to a new circular development paradigm, and reactivate the economy in the wake of COVID-19.

Bambú como herramienta para afrontar el Cambio Climático

Análisis de los servicios ecosistémicos del bambú en Perú
Análisis de políticas y marcos regulatorios para el desarrollo del bambú en Colombia
Incentivos del bambú para la construcción
Análisis de políticas del bambú para las provincias amazónicas en Ecuador
Ecuador National Bamboo Strategy 
Ecosystem service and cost benefit analysis of natural forest and mixed bamboo systems in Peru

El Arte de Tejer con Bambú en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana
Los Rostros del Bambú
Las voces del proyecto Bambuzonía
Todo sobre el bambú
Bambú en América Latina