Mohammad Rafi Qazizada

Director General of Natural Resource Management
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) of Afghanistan

Mohammad Rafi Qazizada currently serves as Director General of Natural Resources Management at Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) of Afghanistan. He has a strong academic and professional background in agricultural extension, food security, natural resources management, agricultural economics and marketing, business management – specifically (operations, strategic, marketing, information, financial and human resources management), organization realignment and change management, curriculum development, proposal writing, research and evaluations.

Mr. Qazizada has worked in different managerial and technical positions in different reputable organizations, such as Project Director of Horticulture Cooperatives Development Project in MAIL, Technical Extension Change Management Specialist at CBCMP/MAIL, Curriculum Development Specialist at NAEC/MoE, and as Project Management Officer at Ru-WATSIP/MRRD. Qazizada has graduated with a MSc. in Management of Development – Rural Development and Food Security, from Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Part of Wageningen University and Research Center, the Netherlands.