Franziska Tanneberger


Greifswald Mire Centre
Greifswald Mire Centre
Greifswald Mire Centre

Franziska Tanneberger is Head of the Greifswald Mire Centre (GMC), Germany. The GMC is a science-policy-practice interface for all peatland related questions – locally and globally. Partners in the GMC are the University of Greifswald, the Michael Succow Foundation and the Institute of Sustainable Development of Landscapes of the Earth. More than 50 peatland experts of various disciplines work at the GMC. The GMC coordinates several peatland databases, including the Global Peatland Database (GPD), the Database of Potential Paludiculture Plants (DPPP), and the Peatland and Nature Conservation International Library (PeNCIL). The GMC is founding member of the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI). Franziska Tanneberger is also Postdoc researcher at the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology at Greifswald University. She has studied landscape ecology at Greifswald (DE) and Reading (UK) universities. Her research focuses on fen mire ecology, especially management effects and peat formation, and fen mire biodiversity, especially breeding bird ecology. She has contributed to mire research and conservation projects in Germany, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Belgium, the Netherlands and UK.

She has published scientific 19 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is co-editor of the book “Mires and peatlands of Europe” (2017, with Hans Joosten and Asbjørn Moen). She is one of the 20 global ‘Earth Movers’ profiled by IUCN in 2008, and Laureate of the UNEP/CMS Thesis Award in 2011. In a small NGO in NE-Germany, she runs the agricultural enterprise managing 150 ha of high nature value wet peatlands.