Current Date and Time in Jakarta
Day 1: Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist, CIFOR; Professor, Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, IPB
Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro
President , Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI)
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, CIFOR; Director of Science, CIFOR-ICRAF
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Jatna Supriatna
Chairman , Research Center for Climate Change, University of Indonesia
Ketut Putra
Vice President, Conservation International Indonesia
Rizal Algamar
Country Director, The Nature Conservancy Indonesia
Nyoman Suyadiputra
Executive Director, Wetland International-Indonesia Program
Martin Hadiwinata
Indonesian Traditional Fisherfolk Union
Floor 17
- Fishing industry and sustainable blue economy
Ruang Serbaguna (Floor 4)-
Victor Nikijuluw
Senior Director, Conservation International-Indonesia
Soetyono Iskandar
Mechanical Engineering, Makassar State University
Diah Radini Noerdjito
Ecology Research Group, School of Life Science and Technology, InstitutTeknologi Bandung
Purnama Alamsyah
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
- Marine tourism and shipping industry
Ruang Serbaguna (Floor 4)-
Hasnawati Saleh
Secretary General, Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI); Study Director for The Science, Indonesian Biodiversity Report
Frans Teguh
Director of Strategic Management, Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia
I Ketut Aria Pria Utama
Professor , Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya
Mohammad Naufal
Research and Development Department, Koalisi Pemuda Hijau Indonesia
Jamaluddin Jompa
Chairman, Center of Excellence for Marine Resilience and Sustainable Development (MaRSAVE), Hasanuddin University
- Institution and governance system for blue carbon
Auditorium (Floor 2)-
Sudirman Nasir
Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
Tuti Herawati
Policy Analyst , Forestry and Environment Research and Development Agency (FOERDA)
Benjamin Brown
PhD Candidate, , Charles Darwin University, Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods
Yusran N Massa
Direktur, Yayasan Hutan Biru (Blue Forests) Indonesia
Muh. Wildan Teddy Bintang P. Has
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
Anisa Budiayu
The Nature Conservancy, Indonesia
Rio Ahmad
Blue Forest Foundation
Hendra Yusran Siry
Deputy Director for Coastal Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation, Directorate General of Marine, Coasts and Small Islands (DG MCSI) Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF)
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Jamaluddin Jompa
Chairman, Center of Excellence for Marine Resilience and Sustainable Development (MaRSAVE), Hasanuddin University
Tom Owen-Edmunds
UK Climate Change Unit
Christoffer Grønstad
Councellor, Climate Change and Forest, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta
Celly Catharina
Senior Marine Program Specialist, USAID
Tonny Wagey
Executive Director, Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)
Marcel J Silvius
Country Representatives, Indonesia , Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
- Financing blue carbon development
Ruang Serbaguna (Floor 4)-
Sonny Mumbunan
Lead Economist, Chair, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, Center for Climate and Sustainable Finance (CCSF) University of Indonesia
Director for Environmental Affairs, National Development Planning Agency
Felia Salim
Board of Director, Green Fund and Sail Ventures
Satya S. Tripathi
Assistant Secretary-General, UN Environment
Bustar Maitar
Director, Kurabesi Nusantara Indonesia
Fitrian Ardiansyah
Chairman of the Executive Board, Inisiatif Dagang Hijau
Muhammad Senang Sembiring
Senior Advisor , KEHATI
- Understanding hydrodynamic and sustainable coastal resources
Ruang Serbaguna (Floor 4)-
Alan F. Koropitan
Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Safwan Hadi
Researcher, Center for Climate Change, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jamaluddin Jompa
Chairman, Center of Excellence for Marine Resilience and Sustainable Development (MaRSAVE), Hasanuddin University
- Coastal blue carbon (seagrass) and climate change
Auditorium (Floor 2)-
Berry Juliandi
Lecturer, Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB); Head of the Laboratory, Veterinary Stem Cells at the Centre for Natural Resources & Biotechnology Research (PPSH-IPB); Chief Editor, HAYATI Journal of Biosciences
Rohani Ambo-Rappe
Lecturer , Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin
Devi N Choesin
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Wawan Kiswara
LAMINA, Indonesian Seagrass Foundation (Yayasan Lamun Indonesia)
Yusmiana P Rahayu
Marine Research Center, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Indonesia
Atika Rahmah
Faculty of Biology, University of Indonesia
Executive Lounge (Floor 24)
Hasjim Djalal
Member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), Indonesian Maritime Council, Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and to Indonesian Naval Chief of Staff, and lectures at universities and other high learning institutions in Indonesia.
Day 2: Wednesday 18 July 2018
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan
Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs , Republic of Indonesia
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Emil Salim
Member of Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Emily Pidgeon
Senior Director , Conservation International's Strategic Marine Initiatives
Lucy Wallington
International Partnership for Blue Carbon, Australian Government
Andre Omer Siregar
Director of Asia Pacific and African Intra and Inter-regional Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Rili Djohani
Executive Director, Coral Triangle Center
- Hydro-geomorphic effects of subsidence, sedimentation and sea-level rises
Ruang Serbaguna (Floor 4)-
Sri Widiyantoro
Professor , Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
Dan Friess
Associate Professor , Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Yohanes Risky Shellen Ginting
Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Aiyen Tjoa
Senior Teaching Staff , Tadulako University
- Coastal blue carbon (mangroves) and climate change
Auditorium (Floor 2)-
Barakalla Robyn
Low Carbon Development Initiative Senior Program Lead, WRI Indonesia
Naisa Aqila
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Agustinus Kastanya
Professor Forest Management, Pattimura University
Sigit D. Sasmito
PhD Researcher, Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods (RIEL) Charles Darwin University and Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Bambang Arifatmi
National Forestry Consultant , UN-REDD at the United Nations of FAO
Laure-Sophie Schiettecatte
Coordinator EX-ACT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Floor 17
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Prita Laura
Former news anchor Metro TV
Ida Bagus Putera Parthama
Director General, Watershed and Protected Forests Management, Indonesia
Brahmantya Satyamurti
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) Republic of Indonesia
Safri Burhanuddin
Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Indonesia
Arifin Rudianto
Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)
Auditorium (Floor 2)
Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro
Minister for National Development Planning (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia
11 July 2018 11:00 - 12:00
Mainstreaming Blue Carbon to meet Global Commitments
The protection and restoration of Blue Carbon is an area that has been ignored for so long. But the health of these neglected ecosystems has important implications for the global climate and sustainable development.
Join this GLF Digital Summit to discuss why it is so important to discuss it in the context of climate change and sustainable development and how scientific and policy communities should strategize their collaborative work to achieve their common goals.