Susan Schulman



Susan Schulman is an award-winning freelance photo, print and video journalist. Originally trained as a fine artist, Schulman moved from her native New York to London in 1990 and worked as a filmmaker and editor before turning to photo-journalism full-time in 2000 and video in 2008 and writing in 2012. During those years she has chronicled many of the world’s forgotten tragedies, from the horrors of childbirth in Sierra Leone to the wretched plight of gold miners in the Amazon Basin. Through her characteristically frank and humane perspective, she has also captured soldiers and citizens caught up in some of the decade’s major conflicts, most notably from the frontlines of Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Somalia, Yemen and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as work on the frontlines of development, from Sierra Leone to Indonesia. Her work has been featured in the world’s foremost print and visual media, including The New York Times, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Architectural Digest (France), the Atlantic, VICE, PBS, BBC and Channel Four. She has received numerous commissions from leading international organizations such as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the World Food Programme and Marie Stopes International, as well as Britain’s Department for International Development. She was recipient (with Ed Caesar) of Amnesty International UK’s coveted Media Award (2010) for her devastating account of war and suffering in Africa’s Great Lakes region, ‘Congo – The Horror’, which appeared in GQ magazine.  She is a regular contributor to UK magazine Delayed Gratification , the Guardian, The Telegraph and the New Humanitarian.