Pippa Howard

Director of the Business & Biodiversity Programme
Flora and Fauna International


Pippa Howard is the Director of the Business & Biodiversity Programme of Flora and Fauna International (FFI). Pippa has degrees in Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Zoology and Development Management. She is a registered Professional Natural Scientist with over 25 years’ experience in a variety of spheres of biodiversity conservation, environmental management, impact assessment, development and sustainability. She has worked on projects in over 25 countries.

Pippa directs and is responsible for FFI’s initiatives and partnerships with multinational corporations and all corporate affairs. She plays a key role in developing business and biodiversity strategy, business plans and financial management; provides specialist input to cross-sector partnerships and multidisciplinary programmes in biodiversity conservation; is a specialist in extractives and energy sector environmental management, Lender ESS compliance, biodiversity risk assessment, action planning and management and biodiversity offsets design, management and implementation. Pippa is also involved with a number of sectoral initiatives (BBOP, ICMM, GRI, IPIECA) and biodiversity advisory committees of extractive sector companies (De Beers, LafargeHolcim, BP, Rio Tinto).