Marcia Mandepora Chundary

Plurinational Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures - IPELC


Guarani, Sociologist, Master in Intercultural Bilingual Education. Specialization in Management and Planning. She was Rector of the Guarani Indigenous University and Pueblos de Tierras Baja “Apiaguaiki Tüpa”; Executive Director of the Foundation for Education in Contexts of Multilingualism and Pluriculturalism – FUNPROEIB Andes; Honorary Member of the Network of Indigenous Intercultural and Community Universities of Abya Yala – RUIICAY; Professor of the Integral Faculty of Chaco of the Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno; currently Head of Intercultural, Plurilingual and Intercultural Intracultural Education and Institutional Strengthening of the Plurinational Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures.He has conducted research and published several articles on intercultural education, interculturality, revitalization of the Guarani language. Her lines of research address intercultural bilingual education, higher education, racism, languages, cultures and interculturality.He has conducted research and published several articles on intercultural education, interculturality, revitalization of the Guarani language. Her lines of research address intercultural bilingual education, higher education, racism, languages, cultures and interculturality.