Roeland Kindt

Senior Ecologist
World Agroforestry (ICRAF)


Roeland Kindt is a senior ecologist at World Agroforestry’s Tree Productivity and Diversity Theme (TREEs Theme). His research is on tree species suitability modelling and mapping, combining ensemble suitability modelling algorithms (integrated in the BiodiversityR package that has been installed > 160,000 times since 2012) with information on distribution and species assemblages of potential natural vegetation types found in Vegetationmap4AfricaUseful Tree Species for Eastern Africa and the Africa Tree Finder.

Roeland also co-authored the Vegan community ecology package (> 2,100,000 installations since 2012. He led the team that developed the Agroforestry Species Switchboard that provides links to information for more than 170,000 plant species across 55 web-based information sources.

As coordinator of the ‘Testing options and training partners in participatory tree domestication and marketing in East Africa’ project, Roeland led the development of various training materials and tools including the Tree Diversity Analysis manualand the Tree Seeds for Farmers toolkit. He also coordinates ICRAF’s activities on safeguarding tree genetic resources under the CGIAR Research Programme on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry.

Roeland has a PhD degree in Applied Biological Sciences and an MSc (‘ingenieur’) degree in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences with specialization in tropical and subtropical regions.