Radhika Dave

Senior Forest Programme Officer, Bonn Challenge Barometer


Radhika Dave manages the Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress project focused on tracking progress on forest restoration around the world. Radhika has over twelve years of experience working in tropical socio-ecological systems on community management of natural resources, forest ecosystem service benefits and ecosystem based adaptation. Radhika’s work experiences include supporting UNDP’s climate change adaptation unit on Green Climate Fund project design; helping build Conservation International’s global ecosystem based adaptation program and developing EbA projects in Cambodia and Madagascar; and conducting interdisciplinary research on socio-ecological interactions between people and their environment in diverse habitat types including mangrove forests, tropical dry forests and rainforests.

Radhika has a doctorate from the University of Southampton in the UK (2016) and a Masters in Environmental Sciences from Yale University’s School of Forestry & Environment (2006). Her PhD research focused on understanding the role of forests in mitigating extreme weather hazard impacts in smallholder farm communities, and involved extensive fieldwork in the dry forests-agricultural mosaic landscapes of western Madagascar. In addition to conducting research, Radhika is also focused on using results from scientific research to inform program and project design and activities on the ground.