Vania is a Mexican biologist with a double degree MSc in Agroecology and Organic Agriculture at Wageningen University in partnership with ISARA-Lyon. In parallel to her engagement with the Youth in Landscapes Initiative through GAEA, and other youth organizations at the local (@contaminantes.anonimus), regional (IUCN’s Young Professionals Network) and global level (Youth in Landscapes Initiative & Youth4Nature), Vania currently works for GIZ in Mexico. She works promoting good agricultural practices to favour pollinators and native flora within natural protected areas. She has experience working with various international environmental organizations including CITES, IPBES, and IKI and has field experience with rural communities and conservation organizations in Mexico, Uganda, the Netherlands, France and Paraguay. Her main interest lies in exploring how agricultural development can work in parallel with nature conservation at the landscape level under climate change scenarios.

Vania Olmos Lau
Moderator and biologist
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