Miguel Gallardo


Director General
Director General
Director General
Ecosystems and Biodiversity for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador
Ecosystems and Biodiversity for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador
Ecosystems and Biodiversity for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador

Miguel is an Socioeconomic and Development Engineer, with focus on wild life and protected areas management. Miguel has more than 13 years experience in project development, 9 of which have been in the National Protected Areas System.
At this point he is the Biodiversity and Ecosystem General Director in the Environmental and Natural Resources Ministry , in charge of the Ecosystem and Landscape Restoration National Program, this program looks forward to achieve its goals through three main objectives, including the restoration of critical areas like wet lands, river forests among others, also the restoration of the AFOLU sector through the transformation of the agricultural practices and finally the synergetic interventions of green and gray infrastructure.