Gerald Miles


Vice President of Global Development
Vice President of Global Development
Vice President of Global Development

Gerald Miles is the Vice President of Global Development for Rare – a non-profit that is applying 25 years of experience in behaviour change to help governments reduce overexploitation of near shore fisheries and their vulnerability to climate change. He has developed climate change policy and in-country programs to support the restoration and sustainable management of small-scale fisheries that provide protein, livelihoods, protect valuable habitat and improve resilience to climate change. From his previous roles as Head of Environmental Management and Planning (SPREP) and Regional Director for External Affairs and Policy (TNC) he brings over 20 years of experience in climate finance, EbA, conservation and resource management including Pacific Island input to the Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, and, support to island country negotiations within the UNFCCC. Between 2005-2013, he worked with Heads of Government to promote sustainable development of marine resources through the Micronesia Challenge (see, the Coral Triangle Initiative (see and the establishment of the Global Islands Partnership ( As a visiting lecturer in conservation policy at the University of Queensland he continues to be actively involved in the negotiation of the United Nations Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity.