• Sunday, 23 June
  • 13:00-13:45
  • Room: Saal Reger

Launchpad: Data and digital resources for decision making on forests, trees and agroforestry


Saal Reger

This launchpad will present and discuss the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry’s (FTA) latest innovations in data access and digital resources related to FTA research. FTA will launch its new website and data portal, which provide a wealth of data generated through FTA research collaboratively and by its partners. The data portal is part of FTA’s commitment to advancing knowledge on, and decision-making for, forests, trees and agroforestry. The launchpad will also present how FTA’s digital resources offer opportunities for greater knowledge dissemination, collaboration and enhancement of the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in addressing climate change and in sustainable development and food security