• GLF Bonn 2017- Landcape Talk – Day 2: Wednesday, 20 December
  • 16:30-18:00

Landscape Talks Block 3

World Bank, Planet, Connect4Climate, Nomad Lodges, Cool Earth, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Retrace the life of an avocado from Amsterdam to Mexico, understand the relationship between indigenous peoples and coffee in Burundi, connect tourism and technology with conservation and explore how we can leverage machine learning to measure progress with our speakers from CIFOR, Planet, Connect4Climate, Cool Earth and Nomad Lodges among others.

Organizations are welcome and encourage to host and facilitate side meeting before and during the GLF event, and then bring their results and recommendations to the Forum. A GLF secretariat will be on hand to identify and reserve appropriate Bonn venues. Webinars, engaging social media campaigns, competitions and pre-event discussions will generate momentum and interest in key issue areas to ensure that the GLF accelerates long-term action for sustainable landscapes.

The GLF will have a small secretariat in Bonn, Germany to coordinate all of the above, operated by CIFOR.