Speakers engaged with us

Here are thousands of speakers who have appeared at the GLF’s events since its inception in 2013. From top scientists, economists and Indigenous leaders to entrepreneurs, filmmakers and grassroots activists, discover the diverse array of global voices that have taken to the stage at the world’s leading platform on sustainable land use.


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Grassroots Land Activist
Land and Water Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)
Independent Senior Advisor
Community Funds
Water activist, Anishinabek Nation
The Anishinabek Nation
Co-founder and Executive Producer
Fashion for Conservation

University of Dschang, Cameroon
Program Director
Tiriyo, Kaxuyana and Txikiyana Indigenous Peoples Association (APITIKATXI)
Program Director
Cultural Survival
Founder and Director
Executive Director
UN Decade Youth Task Force Representative
National Coordinator
Landless Workers Movement
Président du Conseil d’Administration/President of the board of directors
Coopération Togolaise des Organisations Paysannes/Togolese Cooperation of Farmers' Organizations (CTOP)
Regional Managing Director
Acumen, Pakistan
Polluters Out
Project Coordinator
Public Foundation CAMP Ala-Too
UN Decade Youth Task Force Representative
Forest Digest
Principal Program Officer Renewable Energy, head of the Bioenergy Section
Impact Research Institute (IRI)
National Forestry Consultant
UN-REDD at the United Nations of FAO
Minister for National Development Planning (Bappenas)
Republic of Indonesia
Senior Vice President
Center for Sustainable Lands and Waters, Conservation Internationa
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Madagascar
Low Carbon Development Initiative Senior Program Lead
WRI Indonesia
Executive Director
Hive Colab
Federal Minister
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
Vice-rector for International Cooperation
Kazakh-German University
Director of the Marine Policy Institute (MPI)
Mote Marine Laboratory
Bioversity International, FTA
Director General
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Norad
Présidente du conseil d’administration/President of the board of directors
Réseau National des Femmes Agricultrices du Togo/National Network of Women Farmers of Togo (RENAFAT)
Natural Resource Management Specialist
FAO – Sub Regional Office for Southern Africa
Lead Scientist
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
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