Camille Rivera


Co-Founder and Director, Coordinator
Co-Founder and Director, Coordinator
Co-Founder and Director, Coordinator
Oceanus, GLFx Mindanao Chapter
Oceanus, GLFx Mindanao Chapter
Oceanus, GLFx Mindanao Chapter

Camille Rivera is a marine conservationist and a community manager from the Philippines. She led various community-based mangrove conservation projects and facilitated with communities to empower the sustainable development of alternative livelihood in her region. She has been passionately involved in ocean conservation for eight years focusing on educating communities and local stakeholders to guide them to enable future policies for protecting marine resources. Camille received her MSc in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Ghent and a training scholarship from the Center of Excellence in Observational Oceanography at the Alfred Wegner Institute in Helgoland, Germany.