Voré Gana Seck


Senior Advisor, CESE
Senior Advisor, CESE
Senior Advisor, CESE

Seck is a Senegalese environmentalist and an advocate for sustainable development and coastal resilience. She has over 25 years of experience in sustainable development policy, costal resilience and climate change mitigation. She is the Founder of Green Senegal, an NGO focusing on sustainable development. Seck is also the Senior Adviser on Sustainable Development at Senegal’s Economic, Social and Environmental Council. She has implemented several programs on land restoration, food security, coastal resilience, social engineering and community-driven development. She is also the Deputy Mayor of Bargny, a coastal city fighting against erosion and pollution. She recently built Senegal’s National Forum on Seascapes to address pollution, sanitation, food security, and fossil energy exploration issues. Her interventions on saline soil restoration for rice production, sustainable fisheries, and microfinance schemes for local communities, have transformed coastal communities’ livelihoods.

She is the former Director of Rodale International; President of CONGAD, Senegal’s Consortium of NGOs; and President of REPAOC, West Africa and Central Africa’ NGOs Platforms. She has been a key advocate of environmental issues in Senegal and has introduced several policies to revise Senegal’ environmental laws and integrate climate change issues in development planning.

She has received numerous awards for her work from the United Nations Program for Development, OXFAM, the Yves Rocher Foundation for Nature, and the US Congress. Seck holds two Master’s Degrees of Sciences in Agriculture and in Environment.