Mexico’s Felipe Calderón on how to make land restoration profitable

devex | 21 Dec 2017

BONN, Germany — The former president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, thinks that most degraded land can be restored in a profitable way — but “creative” approaches are needed to make restoration projects attractive to investors. Speaking at the Global Landscapes Forum in Germany this week, Calderón talked about the urgent need to restore the world’s […]

Global Landscapes Forum 2017: Principales mensajes de la sesión de cierre

conexioncop22 | 21 Dec 2017

Esta semana culminó el Global Landscapes Forum 2017  (GFL), y ConexiónCOP tuvo acceso a la plenaria del cierre del evento, que se desarrolló durante 2 días en Alemania. En la sesión se dieron a conocer avances para lograr paisajes más resilientes al clima, y se resaltó la necesidad de trabajar con todos los sectores y actores del […]

Stop ‘boring’ language to spur climate action, UN environment chief says | 20 Dec 2017

BONN: People are hungry for news about the risks of climate change but experts are alienating them with boring, technical jargon, the United Nations top environment official said on Tuesday. Erik Solheim — the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) — said one of the most searched terms on the Internet this […]

Ativista brasileira ganha prêmio internacional por defesa da floresta amazônica

Yahoo! Brasil | 21 Dec 2017

BONN, Alemanha (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Uma ativista brasileira que ajudou milhares de pessoas da floresta amazônica a usarem suas terras de maneira sustentável conquistou um prêmio ambiental internacional nesta quarta-feira.

Felipe Calderón: “Desarrollo y sustentabilidad no se excluyen mutuamente”

Ecoticias | 21 Dec 2017

DW: En su “key note” en el Global Landscapes Forum, Ud. dice que la elección entre el desarrollo y la naturaleza es un falso dilema. Sin embargo, en América Latina el crecimiento se asocia en muchos casos con la minería depredadora y contaminante, los monocultivos y la tala de bosques. ¿Qué salida ve usted esa […]

Klima und Wohlstand brauchen Wald und gute Böden

DW | 20 Dec 2017

Was haben Wälder und Böden mit Klimaschutz, Zukunftssicherung und Flüchtlingen zu tun? Auf dem Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn werden Zusammenhänge aufgezeigt und nachhaltige Lösungen diskutiert.

Climate change may boost rain in Kenyan river basin – scientists

Reuters | 20 Dec 2017

ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Kenya’s Tana River Basin, a major source of hydroelectric power, food and fresh water, may see its annual rainfall increase as much as 43 percent by the end of the century because of climate change, scientists said on Tuesday. The river basin, stretching from the center to the east of […]

Business highlights – December 20, 2017

XNews | 20 Dec 2017

Tana River Basin set to see increased rainfall after years of drought Kenya’s Tana River Basin, a major source of hydroelectric power, food and fresh water, may see its annual rainfall increase as much as 43% by the end of the century because of climate change, scientists said on Tuesday. The river basin, stretching from […]

Brasileira ganha prêmio internacional por defesa da amazônia

Terra | 20 Dec 2017

Uma ativista brasileira que ajudou milhares de pessoas da floresta amazônica a usarem suas terras de maneira sustentável conquistou um prêmio ambiental internacional nesta quarta-feira. Apesar das ameaças de madeireiras, Maria Margarida Ribeiro da Silva, do Pará, faz campanha há mais de uma década pelo direito dos moradores locais de usarem seus terrenos para caça, […]