Scientists, policymakers speak up at Blue Carbon Summit
The Jakarta Post | 18 Jul 2018
Kekayaan Ekosistem Pesisir Terabaikan
Kompas | 18 Jul 2018
Mengenal Karbon Biru Lewat Blue Carbon Summit 2018 | 17 Jul 2018
“Es necesario que los jóvenes nos desprendamos del miedo a emprender”
EL PAIS | 3 Feb 2018
A sus 30 años, el ugandés Charles Batte se ha codeado con jefes de Estado, monarcas y líderes de la ONU, y acumula becas y premios en diversos continentes. Sin embargo, este emprendedor social volcado en el desarrollo sostenible no lo ha tenido fácil: se crió en Kamwokya, un barrio de chabolas de Kampala (Uganda), […]
Threats to Congo peat forests put people, wildlife and climate goals at risk
Forestry South Africa | 16 Jan 2018
Looming potential infrastructure projects pose a serious threat to the forested peatlands of the Congo Basin, and could prevent the achievement of global goals on mitigating climate change, according to an environmental expert. Spanning 3.7 million square kilometers and 10 countries, including Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo, the Congo Basin contains the […]
Multi-functional Landscapes: What is the right approach?
Public. | 11 Jan 2018
Eric Patrick, adaptation specialist at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), presented a new innovative pilot programme in a TED-like ‘Landscape Talk’ at the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn in December. Patrick began with an analysis of three past water-harvesting projects that seemed to have failed. Fences to manage grazing were removed. Many of […]
El Salvador’s ecosystem restoration model that prioritizes the environment
The Colombian Post | 6 Jan 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean have taken important steps to respond to climate change. Countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Colombia have made important agreements to reduce their carbon emissions. Between 1990 and 2012, deforestation in some countries decreased, such as Brazil and Mexico. Thereby, these countries have reduced the relative contribution of the […]
Quem é a líder extrativista que está ajudando a mudar o Pará
Aos 50 anos, Maria Margarida Ribeiro da Silva se tornou uma figura conhecida na área ambiental no estado do Pará. Seu rosto já é familiar pelas inúmeras viagens que faz nos municípios paraenses dando palestras e divulgando sobre a importância de se realizar um manejo florestal comunitário. A reportagem é de Fabíola Ortiz, publicada por O […]
Blog posts related to ARD activities in December 2017
Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development | 3 Jan 2018
Please find hereunder the blog posts related to ARD activities in December 2017. To view the whole blog instead of separate postings click on Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les ressources du blog se relatant à la RAD pour le mois de décembre 2017. Pour consulter le blog dans son entièreté au lieu de nouvelles distinctes cliquez sur Pour la […]