• Wednesday, 30 May 2018
  • Washington, D.C. time (EDT)
  • Room: L-101

Emerging Tech Innovation Driving New Landscape Sustainability Business Models



This discussion forum will explore emerging technology innovation driven by open source software, blockchain, and other technologies that are being combined with new business incentive models to secure sustainable and more productive landscapes. The panel will feature practitioners from innovative cross-sector organizations that are addressing land tenure, forest supply chain, and environmental degradation challenges through the use of open-source distributed technologies, many of which also incorporate creative capital raising strategies and financial incentives.

The forum will include presentations and use cases on how open-source digital technology is being used to document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information. Panelists will discuss how permissioned blockchain technology is being used to to deliver efficiency and transparency to the green debt market in support of scaling the supply of, and investment in, credible green investment opportunities through cost-efficient and immutable verification of green impacts. Innovators will discuss how blockchain-based tokens and smart contracts (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum) can be used as tools by social ventures aimed at fostering sustainable landscapes.