• Day 2: Thursday, 30 August 2018
  • 16:00-17:30
  • Room: Conference Room 3

Discussion Forum 18: Improving land governance and land use planning for Landscape restoration in Africa


Conference Room 3

This Discussion Forum brings together experts from different organizations (the African Union, UN-Economic Commission for Africa, FAO, CIFOR  and the CGIAR) to discuss the links between land governance, land use planning and tenure rights in the context of landscape restoration across different land uses. While previous discussion forums have highlighted the importance of tenure security on reforestation, land use and land use planning has remained outside this debate, yet there is good scope for land use planning processes to strengthen the tenure rights of groups and individuals.

The discussion forum will raise awareness of the linkages between land governance, land use and tenure security by providing case examples from different resource systems in Africa. The African Union will showcase the Great Green Wall of the Sahara and Sahel initiative, a flagship initiative to combat the effects of climate change, desertification, natural resources degradation and,  sustainable management and use of forests, rangelands and other natural resources in dry lands.  Secondly, it will provide space for the sharing of lessons and experiences and ultimately explore how policymakers and practitioners in different resource settings might shape landscape restoration efforts and initiatives  in light of the linkages between management of natural resources, land use planning and tenure security. Lastly, the forum will explore policy options for ensuring that land tenure plays its foundational role for governance, and stewardship of land and natural resources towards a common vision for landscape restoration.