• Day 1: Wednesday, 29 August 2018
  • Room: Conference Room 4

Discussion Forum 2: The Bonn Challenge Barometer: Enabling reporting on action and progress


Conference Room 4

The discussion forum will present the latest developments on the Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress, a standardized and flexible assessment tool, and engage participants in identifying how to enhance its application in Africa. This relates directly to 2 of the 5 themes for the GLF and fundamentally builds on the GLF’s emphasis on harnessing science (information, tools) to achieve transformative change. The process to gather information for the Barometer brings together and connects decision-makers, practitioners, donors, investors and others, which is aligned with the objectives of the GLF.

The Barometer responds to the Bonn Challenge – a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030.  To date, more than 50 governments, private associations and other organisations have pledged more than 162 million hectares to the target. There are encouraging success stories of restoration, but only a small proportion are well-known and there has been no framework for collating and analyzing them. Countries want to be able to document their achievements in a flexible yet consistent and systematized way and to identify implementation hurdles and the solutions necessary to overcome them.

In 2018, six countries with Bonn Challenge pledges, including Rwanda, are applying the Barometer as the first round of application, with four additional African countries planning to apply the Barometer starting in late 2018 onwards. This event will demonstrate the Barometer framework, its streamlined approach to capturing progress on action taken to achieve Bonn Challenge pledges, share first experiences from Rwanda and elsewhere, and — through live polling — identify key elements of a capacity development module that responds to the expressed needs of the restoration community.

The Barometer will soon be available on a public platform, available to anyone who could find the information useful. We hope that this session as part of GLF Nairobi will enable us to improve the Barometer based on the views of the participants, particularly those from Africa.

The session will be hosted by IUCN.  A ministerial keynote will be given by the Hon. Kitutu K. Mary Goretti, Minister of State for the Environment of Uganda and/or the Hon. Minister Francine Tumushime, Government of Rwanda.  Other speakers will come from the Governments of Rwanda, Burundi, Madagascar and Malawi as well as the AFR100 Secretariat (TBC).

The format of the discussion forum will be an interactive one.

Moderator: Charles Karangwa. Charles works for IUCN as a Regional Coordinator for Forest landscape Restoration for eastern and Southern Africa. He has about 15years of experience in environment policies across the continent.

Presentation 1: Bonn Challenge Barometer, A tool for tracking progress by:

 Kenneth Angu Angu: Kenneth is a regional forest Program Coordinator for Central and West Africa for IUCN. He has more than 20 years of experience in forest management, institutional coordination and partnership management.

Presentation 2:  Case Study on Application of Bonn Challenge Barometer in Rwanda by:

 Mugabo Jean Pierre: Mugabo is a Head of Forestry Department from the government of Rwanda and senior manager of forest resources. He is FLR focal points for Rwanda.


Hon Minister Francine Tumushime

Margaret Adata, Commissioner of Forest , Ministry ofWater and Environment , Uganda

Stewart Maginnis , Global Director , Nature based solutions Group, IUCN

Julien Noel, Focal point FLR Madagascar

Tefera Mangusta, Ethiopia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.