• Saturday, 30 November 2019
  • 10:15-11:30 GMT+1
  • Room: Salle E

Towards ‘Standardising’ Environmental and Social (E&S) Impact


Salle E

This interactive ‘knowledge marketplace’ event focuses on the “why, what and how” of measuring [both negative and positive] environmental and social impact associated with capital flows to land use. Trying to create consistency in terms of what indicators are important to measure [both negative and positive] impact, how should these be monitored and reported on, and how can the costs for monitoring be optimized and integrated in a given transaction, are important to create investor confidence as well as buy-in and support from different sources of concessional finance such as governments and private foundations. Working towards metrics that can be standardized, could ultimately enable the creation of a new ‘asset class’.

The speakers in this session will act as ‘shop owners’ to engage participants in conversations to explore the latest industry thinking on how to create consistency in terms of:

  • What indicators are important to monitor E&S impact
  • How should these be monitored and reported on, and
  • How can the costs for monitoring be integrated into business models/deals

Learn more: