• 05 November 2021
  • 14:40-15:40
  • Room: Hybrid: Bute Hall

Climate Action in the Restoration Decade


Hybrid: Bute Hall

Positive tipping points can transform our future. One promising entry point for triggering them is ecosystem restoration, which combines restoring ecosystem functioning and development with climate mitigation and adaptation. Experience shows that landscape approaches are key to restoration, as it is in landscapes where stakeholders meet, conflicting interests are negotiated, and synergies are achieved. However, there are persistent challenges that involve conflicting stakeholder interests, siloed rules and regulations, and power imbalances that resist change. Overcoming them requires all actors operating in forest conservation and restoration, food and agriculture, supply chains, healthcare, and business and finance, to step up to change. Speakers will elaborate on the role of restoration in triggering positive tipping points and discuss the key challenges and opportunities they have experienced whilst implementing restoration processes at the regional and local level.