Happening now! GLF Africa 2024 Hybrid Conference: Greening the African Horizon LIVE NOW: Learn how Africa can show the world a sustainable way forward at GLF Africa 2024 TODAY: Meet policymakers, CEOs, Indigenous leaders, scientists, youth and more at the global hybrid conference Be part of the most important conversation on the future of African landscapes, join now


  • Day 2: Wednesday, 20 December
  • Room: Wien 1 - 2

Drawing landscapes – Youth integration from vision to action

Landscape restoration, Food and livelihoods, Measuring progress towards climate and development goals
Wien 1 - 2

Young people, the single largest GLF constituency, sit at the center of the conversation. An integrated and engaged community of youth leaders will be a powerful force to accelerate progress towards sustainable landscapes and the 2030 Agenda. To achieve this vision, there is a great need to identify and address barriers for meaningful youth engagement. This Discussion Forum (led by youth) will dive into how we can take youth beyond vague ideation and chart a pathway for collaboration centered on concrete actions. Targeted and focused invitations will bring needed stakeholders to the table to identify synergies and generate action-centered dialogue.