• Day 1: Tuesday, 17 July 2018
  • 13:00-14:30

Parallel Discussion Forum

The increasing demand of the world population to protein source from marine ecosystems in the last few decades have triggered the fast-growing industry of fisheries and aquaculture in both marine and inland waters. Consequently, overfishing is inevitable and many fishing grounds in Indonesia are steadily depleting. Combination of improved fisheries, good aquaculture practices, modernized post-harvest storage and processing industries could lead to sustainable blue economy.

Potential discussion topics:

  • Sustainable fish catch
  • Aquaculture and sustainability of coastal wetlands
  • Downstream industries
  • Improved access to markets

Travel and tourism are worth over 9% of global GDP, support over 100 million jobs and comprise one of the world’s largest industries. Marine tourism is a main component of this industry. Marine ecosystems generate clean, calm water, pristine beaches and superlative seafood, among other benefits. However, an intensified and economy-driven shipping industry along with marine tourism have resulted in a wide array of environmental impacts, including liquid and solid waste pollution, and marine waters filled with micro-plastics.
The economic logic of marine tourism and shipping needs a new perspective and orientation.

Potential discussion topics:

  • Best practice and sustainable marine tourism
  • Regional and global connectivity and sea transportation
  • Liquid and solid waste management and micro-plastics pollution
  • Controlling emissions from the shipping industry

Governance of blue carbon could produce new and challenging ventures for many countries, including Indonesia. Because of the vast resources involved and the complex governance system required, blue carbon governance requires special attention to optimize the sustainability of the goods and services provided by the resources. Laws will be of global and national importance and may follow on from the existing monitoring and evaluation guidelines that are widely available for blue carbon, such as those provided by the IPCC. Involving local communities may be considered a strategic step to take, in addition to better equipping stakeholders.

Potential discussion topics:

  • Laws and regulations for blue carbon
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Jurisdictional vs sectoral approaches
  • Rights and responsibilities when accessing blue carbon assets