Julien Noël Rakotoarisoa


Director General of Environmental Governance
Director General of Environmental Governance
Director General of Environmental Governance
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Madagascar
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Madagascar
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Madagascar

Julien Noël RAKOTOARISOA is a forester. He has been working for the Ministry in charge of Forests in Madagascar since 2000 and has already held the post of Director General of Forests in his professional career. He is now the Director General for Environmental Governance within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Madagascar.

In addition, after having attended several training courses related to natural resource management in several countries in Europe, the United States and Japan, he has developed several natural resources management tools within the administration where he works, in particular tools relating to forest resource management transfers to grassroots communities and also rental management contracts with private operators to highlight the possibility of sustainable management of forest resources through the establishment of coordination mechanisms between the parties relevant stakeholders.

Since 2015, and being appointed National Focal Point AFR100 for Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) of Madagascar, he has focused his efforts in the coordination of the process of FLR given that his country is committed to restore 4 million ha of forests and degraded land by 2030.

As an FLR Focal Point, its work mainly consists in setting up a national coordination structure for the RPF process in Madagascar, and also in developing various tools and reference documents related to the process, in particular ROAM documents at several levels, the national strategy. FLR, and most recently the first inventory in terms of the Bonn Challenge Barometer for Madagascar, and this in collaboration with the IUCN.

Following his perseverance in monitoring the development of very evolving concepts around FLR, he went beyond the national border to share his experiences with other AFR 100 countries in Africa, and this on very related themes often in governance but always in the context of FLR.