Gabriel Jaramillo


Hacienda San Jose
Hacienda San Jose
Hacienda San Jose

Born in Colombia, Gabriel Jaramillo retired in 2011 from one of the most distinguished careers in the financial sector in Latin America with HSBC (Marine Midland Bank), Citibank, and Banco Santander. After his retirement, he dedicated himself to philanthropy on the issue of global health, with an emphasis on AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and later on sustainable agriculture projects. In 2014, he started a project for sustainable meat production and regenerative agriculture of pastures at Hacienda San Jose, in the Colombian Orinoquia. Through the implementation of improved deep-rooted forages, developed by CIAT, Hacienda San Jose has recovered more than 7,000 ha of degraded pasture lands, which has been able to significantly improve beef production along with reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through soil carbon sequestration. This work has also created opportunities for engaging in innovative financial mechanisms, such as impact investments and voluntary carbon markets, which has already leveraged approximately USD 7.5 million.