Mounir Louhaichi

Research Team Leader of Rangeland Ecology and Forages
International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)


Mounir Louchaichi holds an MSc and PhD is Landscape Ecology from Oregon State University (USA) and has over 25 years of professional experience in terrestrial ecological restoration including more than 12 years working for the CGIAR leading the rangeland research portfolio at ICARDA. Dr Louchaichi has solid background in assessing and monitoring rangeland health using advanced geospatial tools and in developing best-practices for rangeland restoration and management.

Over the years, he has successfully managed several projects involving multiple countries and several disciplines. He has strong publication records with over 250 scientific publications including papers in refereed journals, book chapters, policy papers and edited proceedings. Since 2015, he has been offered a courtesy faculty appointment (Professor) in the Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences at Oregon State University.