David Thomas is a multi-faceted development specialist, entrepreneur and facilitator. He has a MSc in development finance and a BSc in physics & philosophy. For many years, David was a consultant on microfinance and small business development in Africa, working with Save The Children UK, Oxfam, ILRI and others. He is the founder/director of Danaqa World Chic, an innovative ethical market access company with a retail outlet in West London, which provides an access to the world markets for women’s led businesses from developing countries. He is a consultant on multi-stakeholder processes, engagement, knowledge sharing and market access technical assistance. David is also works for the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) as the lead facilitator/engagement specialist for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF).
Lead Facilitator/Engagement Specialist
Lead Facilitator/Engagement Specialist
Lead Facilitator/Engagement Specialist
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