Marcos Terena


Professor of Traditional and Spiritual Knowledge of the Indigenous People and Coordinator of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Professor of Traditional and Spiritual Knowledge of the Indigenous People and Coordinator of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Professor of Traditional and Spiritual Knowledge of the Indigenous People and Coordinator of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity

Mr. Terena founded the United Indigenous Nations, the first indigenous movement in Brazil and was one of the coordinators of the indigenous rights in the Brazilian Constitution. He coordinated the World Conference of the Indigenous People on Territory, Environment and Development, in an indigenous zone, the Kari-Oca Park, where the Earth Letter and the Kari-Oca Declaration was created in Rio in 1992.

Besides being the creator of Indian Voice, a radio programme, Mr. Terena has also commented about indigenous rights in various television programmes. He has written two books: The Indian Aviator and The Citizens of the Jungle.

Mr. Terena is the Articulator of the Indigenous Rights in the UN as well as the President of the Intertribal Committ ee (ITC) and the VIATAN, an Indigenous Information Center.
Marcos Terena is a national of Brazil.