Andre Omer Siregar


Director of Asia Pacific and African Intra and Inter-regional Cooperation
Director of Asia Pacific and African Intra and Inter-regional Cooperation
Director of Asia Pacific and African Intra and Inter-regional Cooperation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Andre Omer Siregar is a career diplomat and has been part of the Indonesian Diplomatic service since 1998. Prior to his current position as the Director of Asia Pacific and African Intra and Inter-regional Coperation, Mr. Siregar was Indonesia’s Consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Darwin, Northern Territory Australia.

Mr Siregar has been involved in various related issues on international humanitarian and disaster relief since working in the Ministry, including the Bali Process on People Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons in 2002, and also the Humanitarian Assistance to the Indian Ocean Tsunami Resolution in United Nations General Assembly in 2004-2007 and also part of the review team on the humanitarian assistance in Aceh with UKP4/Presidents Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight in 2013.

Mr Siregar was assigned to East Timor as Official Observer in 1999 Popular Consultation. He was also assigned to the Indonesian Permanent Mission in New York from 1/2004-1/2008 engaged in ECOSOC, 2nd & 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council (on Rwanda & DR Congo agenda)

Mr Siregar held various portfolios in the Ministry’s Multilateral Directorate General including:

  • Humanitarian Issues: People Smuggling &Trafficking in Persons, NGO accreditation, NAM, OIC, IOM, ICRC;
  • Economic Developement & Financial Issues: OECD, G20, UN-ESCAP, ADB, World Bank, IMF.