Alan F. Koropitan


Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Alan F. Koropitan, PhD is an Associate Professor in Oceanography at Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Since February 2016, he has been appointed as the Coordinator for Strategic Research at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FFMS), IPB. Recently, he became a vice director of Center for Collaborative Research on Animal Biotechnology and Coral Reef Fisheries (ANBIOCORE) at IPB. He is also one of study committee in development of Indonesian Science Agenda Towards a Century of Independence 2045 at Indonesian Academy of Sciences.

He obtained his PhD at Hokkaido University, Japan in 2008, and did his postdoctoral research at University of Minnesota’s Biogeochemical Cycle Group, Department of Geology and Geophysics. His has been conducting various research on biogeochemical-process modeling in the Java Sea, anthropogenic carbon budget in the Indonesian Throughflow Regime, to mangrove rehabilitation, its impact on carbon sequestration and isotope application in estimating sedimentation rate around Mangrove rehabilitation area in Pangandaran (West-Java). Dr Koropitan often conducts collaborative research, such as on climate change and anthropogenic impacts on primary production of the Java Sea in a changing environment (with Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology) and climate change vulnerability study in Lembata and Aru Islands (with KIARA-an Indonesian NGO). His recent study examines the impact of climate variability on pelagic fishery in southern coast of Java and modeling fish biomass in the Indonesian seas under climate change scenario.