
Overcoming impoverishment of greenshell mussel fisherwomen in Muara Angke, Jakarta

Muh. Wildan Teddy Bintang P. Has
The Jakarta Bay reclamation project is estimated will cost traditional fishers over US$2,000 per year for each hectare of seabed reclaimed. One of the most affected fishings is greenshell mussel worked by the fisherwomen. This condition creates impoverishment of fisherwomen which the root is lack of gender-aware regulations and policies, and the existence of patriarchal culture. This is shown by non-inclusive Indonesian Law No. 7 of 2016. Therefore, fisherwomen face discrimination in law and socio-culture. Reflecting to the facts, this paper aims to find inequalities and solutions in the reclamation project and its direct effects to greenshell mussel fisherwomen—in economics and social aspects—with feminist approach upon the Indonesian Law No. 7 of 2016 as a legal basis of Indonesian fisherwomen’s prosperity and by reflecting it to ‘public sector strategic triangle’ framework by Mark Moore: public value, legitimacy & support, and operational capabilities. Data collection is by in-depth interview with ten fisherwomen in Muara Angke, literature anddocument paper analysis. The country focus of this paper is Indonesia with case study of reclamation bay project in Jakarta. This paper will be written with order from introduction, method
reclamation, greenshell mussel, fisherwomen, policy, strategy
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Richard Giddins/
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