• Wednesday, 30 May 2018
  • 10:15-11:45 Washington, D.C. time (EDT)
  • Room: B2 Auditorium

The Private Ask: How the Public Sector can Support Private Sector Investments in Sustainable and Productive Landscapes


B2 Auditorium

An ever-growing number of companies have made strong, measurable commitments to climate friendly sourcing and production.  In particular, these commitments are manifested in changing practices and securing supply chains that reduce or eliminate deforestation and contribute to sustainable and more productive landscapes. These actions have the potential, if implemented to scale, to significantly reduce deforestation associated with major agricultural supply chains and have created significant momentum to reduce the pressure on tropical forests. However, delivering on those commitments often requires collaboration with the public sector to create an enabling environment based on sound policies, good governance and market incentives, and provide the infrastructure necessary for transport, market access, and reliable communications. 

In this discussion forum, the World Bank Group will ask leading practitioners from the private sector what they need from the public sector to help them deliver on their commitments to create deforestation free supply chains, restore degraded lands, and improve social outcomes. Participants in the session will include representatives from the financial services, forestry, dairy and other agricultural products.