• Day 2: Wednesday, 20 December
  • Room: Nairobi 1 - 2

Landscape restoration for food security and resilient livelihoods – Session 2: “The way forward”


Food and livelihoods, Landscape restoration
Nairobi 1 - 2

This is the second session of two linked events that explore the connection between landscape restoration, food security and livelihoods. Driven by the commitment, research and experience of its hosts – FAO, the World Bank, IUCN, WRI and CIFOR – it will ask the question: “How does a Landscape Approach lead to greater food and nutrition security and more resilient livelihoods?” The session will build on the first session that explored “lessons learned from the ground”, during which practitioners and promoters of landscape approaches shared experiences from community to national level, and will focus on developing a common framework for support and a set of practical recommendations in order to provide more effective support to country efforts at landscape restoration for enhanced food security, livelihoods and related objectives. A moderated round table will allow a wide variety of perspectives to be shared and fed into developing the common framework for support. Panelists will include speakers from Session 1 as well as representatives of the co-organizing partners of this event.