Partner Event

Youth Insights Post-COP28: questions, answers, and next steps

24 January 2024
15:00 - 16:30 Europe/Rome


The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) last year took place in Dubai from 30 November until 12 December 2023. Like preceding years, delegates from all across the globe convened at the venue for discussing ways to tackle climate change, proposing policy changes, and reporting on these changes. Delegations from various youth organizations attended COP28 with the goal of representing young professional voices at the conference. Members of these delegations took part in various events across COP28: these included panel discussions, policy working groups, and different speaking opportunities.

This webinar will showcase the experience of these young professionals at the COP, discuss the key messages on food and agriculture highlighted in COP28 and debrief on the next steps for the SSJW. It will also cover the practical planning, skill development, and preparation needed for participating in global advocacy platforms like the COP.

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