Valuing Tropical Landscapes Finance

28 May 2021


TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will hold a webinar on the values and opportunities of impact financing in Indonesia.
Indonesia is home to the world’s third largest tropical forests and around 14 million hectares of peatlands, which is more than any other nation on earth. Protecting these landscapes is of great importance, not only because they store nearly 300 billion tons of carbon and therefore are vital for combatting climate change, but also because they are significant biodiversity hotspots and provide livelihoods for some of the most vulnerable people.

Indonesia has set ambitious economic and sustainability objectives as part of its national development planning process, both in terms of economic growth and climate targets as underlined in the country’s nationally determined contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. Achieving these will involve identifying and investing in strategic intervention points that will allow growth to decouple from negative sustainability outcomes. A large body of research exists, highlighting promising areas of intervention. Given the characteristics of the nation’s emissions profile, there is significant potential from investments in the land use sector by both private and public actors.

TLFF with the support of Global Affairs Canada will on 28 May at 15:00 WIB (10:00 CEST) hold a webinar where you will hear about:

• Impact and blended financing in Indonesia and the lesson learnt to date
• Opportunities for public and private investments in sustainable land-use
• Support from the Global Affairs of Canada to the TLFF Grant Fund


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