Partner Event

Unlocking $100 Billion For Restoring Africa’s Landscapes

01 June 2021
9:00 - 9:45 EST


How do we get there? Join leaders from civil society, philanthropy, business, and government for a open discussion on this key question for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

2030 is a big year for Africa: By then, governments have committed to begin restoring more than 100 million ha of degraded landscapes through the AFR100 Initiative and the Great Green Wall. Growing trees, revitalizing grasslands, planting mangroves, and a host of other techniques would provide a future that is more food-, water-, and energy-secure. It would also be a major financial boon for rural communities: For every $1 invested in restoring land, people can see $7-30 in economic benefits. At minimum, investing $100 billion across 100 million restored hectares could add more than $700 billion of value.

Galvanized by that opportunity and successful projects from past decades, investors recently committed more than $14 billion for implementing the Great Green Wall over the next five years. And last year, corporations announced that they would invest in protecting, growing, and restoring 1 trillion trees around the world as part of their plan to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

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