Happening now! GLF Africa 2024 Hybrid Conference: Greening the African Horizon LIVE NOW: Learn how Africa can show the world a sustainable way forward at GLF Africa 2024 TODAY: Meet policymakers, CEOs, Indigenous leaders, scientists, youth and more at the global hybrid conference Be part of the most important conversation on the future of African landscapes, join now

Jes Weigelt

Head of Programmes
Head of Programmes
Head of Programmes
TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability
TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability
TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability

Jes is responsible for co-steering TMG’s programmes, and overall strategic development. He has more than 10 years’ experience in providing science-based policy advice in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. His thematic interests span natural resources governance, transitions to sustainability, co-creation of knowledge, and social innovation.