Partner Event

Sustainable financing for achieving forest and landscape restoration (FLR) at scale: making FLR a reality

19 March 2021
13:00 - 13:45 ET


EcoAgriculture Partners welcomes you to join the technical side event for FAO’s Celebration of the International Day of Forests on ´Sustainable financing for achieving forest and landscape restoration (FLR) at scale: making FLR a reality

During this event, we will launch an important FAO report, co-authored with EcoAgriculture Partners, on ´Local Financing Mechanisms for Forest and Landscape Restoration: A Review of Local-Level Finance Mechanisms.

EcoAgriculture’s President, Sara J. Scherr, will moderate the event. We will discuss various financing mechanisms with our distinguished panel: Christophe Besacier (FAO), Mathilde Iweins—lead author of the report (FAO), Katiella Mai Moussa (UN Capital Development Fund–UNCDF) and Chadi Mohanna (Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon).

  • For the full agenda and more details, please see here
  • For the entire program of the Opening Session of International Day of Forests, please see here.

To register, see here.